Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i feel like learning thai now ==

5:40 PM

i'll stand with you;

2day's exams:
english and POA.
both are fine.
pass-able =PPPP
i can balance o.o =DDDDDDDDDd

im really getting the feeling
that the lift in my block doesn't like me.
i press,go in,press 20,
den the lift close but nv move.
so i came out and pressed for the other one.
the other one came,
door opened,i press 20,door closed but still
nv move ==
so i came out to go to the other one then i see the other one go up le o.0
so i wait again for it to cme down
then it came down
den i pressed 20
go in door clse STILL nv move
i cme out see the other one go up 20 le T_T
den i decided to take the stairs WTH lahh

saw alotta weird things today ==
i mean ppl doin weird things (e.g how they walk how the yawn SCARYYYY seh)
but thats wad makes them unique =DDD [in a way,if they really are T_T]
i feel like a spy ==
cannot study
books in scl ==|||
gonna die
want to go back cls to take books after exam then see the auntie lock the door TT_TT

5:25 PM