Wednesday, December 31, 2008

so. the last day of 2008.
25th dec. : merry christmas.
other days were boring, stayed at home.
today was supposed to go out with ron,sud,danah,daddy n mummy to watch twilight
but stomachache n not in the mood to go out, so sry.
there goes my stomach again. sheesh.

To the stars that played with the darkness
I sang of love and burned up completely

Lighting the punishment
Scars from claws draw close to the daisy’s dream

Passed from lips to lips
Where’s that warmth going?
Even though it has no place to go

If I’m not with you, I can’t be satisfied
I wouldn’t be able to forgive you if it wasn’t me
So I stood up on my feet
And shuddered

If I get kept with you until death, then I’ll be saved
But how splendid, I’m unlocked
And I’m just like
A crazy little bird that wants the birdcage

Flowers embraced lies

Touch and see through me with cold fingers
But don’t dirty me

If I look back, I’m on a road of thorns
That a single feather burnt onto

If it’s an illusion, then I’ll love the illusion
And I can even throw it away tomorrow
Tell me a reason to fear it

If you were gone, then I wouldn’t be able to live
I chased after the dying night
Because I wanted to let you take
Everything of mine into your arms

But I’m surrounded by silence
In the boisterous room
My regulated, lowly heartbeats
Are counting Heaven’s punishments; I plugged my ears

If I’m not with you, I can’t be satisfied
I wouldn’t be able to forgive you if it wasn’t me
So I stood up on my feet
And shuddered

If I get kept with you until death, then I’ll be saved
But how splendid, I’m unlocked
And I’m just like
A crazy little bird that wants the birdcage

Flowers embraced lies

6:34 PM