Thursday, March 19, 2009

hai. now finishing up research for coursework.
lol so irritating.
got scolded for my results.
i screwed up. BIG DEAL.
not like i ALWAYS can live up to my expectations.
i wanna try tasting defeat. isn't it possible?
thanks for saying what u think is happening to me.
100% different from what u say, the truth.
only make me irritated.
that's y i dun feel the need love u ppl.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY 媽! [o.o so colorful]
one year older le, so dun be so evil k! kharma is faster than age!
u might get retribution even b4 u shoot ur words!
lol hehe still, love ya! hehe.
wondering whether my present (de-stressing aromatherapy stuffies) will really work.
dun eat them ar!
hope u like the arrangements today!

11:02 PM