even so, cry.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

lately very moodless la.
got scolded alot.
fuck seh.
then got humiliated from oral.
geez. it not my fault im like dat in reading.
im shy k!!
got back 2 common test le
failed both terribly(eng & poa).
then ppl look at me with THOSE kinda faces.
shit them la.
so what. i din say my eng was FREAKING GOOD anyways.
and i din say i wanna live up to yer expectations.
wantto cheer me up instead i punch yer face sia.
slack seh.
dun care la.
motivation dunno take plane go holiday le.
i noe i will fail more.
gave up on fnn.
ss essay crapped it.
chinese sian.
coursework anotehr thing.
duwan get A1 le. work my butt off for nth.
100% my future will have nth to do with POA n fnn.
study so hard for nth de.
slap the face man.
these days i wanna skip scl sia.
so irritating.
then theres this fucking irritating mosquito at night
i sleep then bzz here bzz there
slap it's face
(actually did.)
then it went down like a hijacked helicopter.
lol got sound effect de.
dammit no mood le.

11:21 PM