Tuesday, January 13, 2009

all these days were boring so din post.
normal scl days.
caught for hair blah blah.
ystrdy after seeing the o lvl release fucking worried for daddy T.T
after that was damn hungry so went with des shana n fina to mcD
then went back to scl
cos faris liwei danah joni xtine weijian n nigel were waiting
sry guys i din noe o.o
then went to east coast
[emo on the bus cos my mood was killed by something.]\
then crap crap arnd to big splash there
then crap at carl's jr till 7+ then took taxi hme
then today.
fucking weird.
i reached scl as my usual timing but then they said frm today onwards after 720 or 725
they will close the gate le ==
so in the end i ended up late for scl ==
can't blame me i have insomnia ==
then those 2nd time or more late comers [me included. damn.] sat outside hall
for 2hrs and they called our parents ==
after that nrom scl le ==
*saw bus 14 pervert o.o*

-ms nur maybe reading this!! o.o shocking. mr tan noes jan's blog o.o scary.-
horrible man. teachers noe our bloggie!

5:35 PM